Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ghost of a young girl and the man who murdered her years ago. Shortly afterward he finds himself stalked by the killer and is soon drawn to an old house where a mysterious Lady In White lives. As he discovers the secret of the woman he soon finds that the killer may be someone close to him.
The year is 1962. The place is Willowpoint Falls. Nobody talks about what happened in the school cloakroom 10 years ago. Now, in the dead of night, Frankie Scarlatti is going to find out why.
Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ghost of a young girl and the man who murdered her years ago. Shortly afterward he finds himself stalked by the killer and is soon drawn to an old house where a mysterious Lady In White lives. As he discovers the secret of the woman he soon finds that the killer may be someone close to him.
The year is 1962. The place is Willowpoint Falls. Nobody talks about what happened in the school cloakroom 10 years ago. Now, in the dead of night, Frankie Scarlatti is going to find out why.
Movie details Lady in White
Release : 1988-11-10Genre : Horror, Thriller
Runtime : 112 minutes
Company :
Lukas Haas | as | Frankie Scarlatti | |
Len Cariou | as | Phil Terragarossa | |
Alex Rocco | as | Angelo 'Al' Scarlatti | |
Katherine Helmond | as | Amanda |
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Lady in White (1988) - IMDb
Directed by Frank LaLoggia. With Lukas Haas, Len Cariou, Alex Rocco, Katherine Helmond. Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ...
Directed by Frank LaLoggia. With Lukas Haas, Len Cariou, Alex Rocco, Katherine Helmond. Locked in a school closet during Halloween 1962, young Frank witnesses the ...
Brautsalon White Lady
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Lady in White, 1988 Movie (Part 1) - YouTube
Lady in White, 1988 Movie. Starring Lukas Haas, Len Cariou, Alex Rocco, Katherine Helmond, Jason Presson, Renata Vanni, Angelo Bertolini, Joelle Jacobi ...
Lady in White, 1988 Movie. Starring Lukas Haas, Len Cariou, Alex Rocco, Katherine Helmond, Jason Presson, Renata Vanni, Angelo Bertolini, Joelle Jacobi ...
Lady in White alkoholfrei - Weinknig
Lady in White, Sekt, alkoholfrei, alkoholfreier sekt, schumendes Getrnk, alkoholfreier wein
Lady in White, Sekt, alkoholfrei, alkoholfreier sekt, schumendes Getrnk, alkoholfreier wein
Lady in White Movie - The 80s Movies Rewind
Lady in White -The 1988 Horror / Occult movie featuring Lukas Haas and Len Cariou at the award winning 80s Movies Rewind. 8 pages of info, trailer, pictures and more.
Lady in White -The 1988 Horror / Occult movie featuring Lukas Haas and Len Cariou at the award winning 80s Movies Rewind. 8 pages of info, trailer, pictures and more.
Lady in White - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lady in White is a 1988 American horror film of the ghost/mystery genre. Much of the film was made in Wayne County, New York, taking advantage of the appropriate ...
Lady in White is a 1988 American horror film of the ghost/mystery genre. Much of the film was made in Wayne County, New York, taking advantage of the appropriate ...
The Lady In White Official Trailer - YouTube
Trailer for Frank LaLoggia's 1988 (Better) version of Lady in White! SYNOPSIS: The year is 1962. The place is Willowpoint Falls. Nobody talks about what ...
Trailer for Frank LaLoggia's 1988 (Better) version of Lady in White! SYNOPSIS: The year is 1962. The place is Willowpoint Falls. Nobody talks about what ...
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Businessoutfit "Lady in white" zusammengestellt von Gnseblmchen18 bei Artikel direkt bei unseren Shop-Partnern bestellbar!
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